
A record of my away messages, because they amuse me.

Thursday, March 21, 2002

i'm not the guy
i'm not the guy
i'm not the guy

if you know, without cheating (i.e., looking it up), who sings the song above, i will kiss you. or not kiss you. whichever you'd prefer.

i'm a happy jennnnnn! :):)
I shouldn't ever have exciting times, because they make the inbetweens ever so boring.
I'm going to bathe my French horn now. :):) Yayfor pampering instruments!
Sleepily off to school I go... I sat in bed staring at the ceiling for at least ten minutes this morning convincing myself to go to school. I'm glad the sun rises before I leave now, or I'd probably change my mind.
Okay, I'm still a plain-bellied Sneetch (not that it matters, since I have to wear black anyway), and Ben still thinks I'm a pothead, and I didn't make out with that trombone player like Chana asked, and the Stick of Fascism still reigns. Regardless, I think it'll be a good first show... if I don't get hit in the head with a fake cigarette, anyway. And Heather is probably the only person who would get all of what I just typed. Riiiiight. Anyway, I'm off to practice, help the shift crew get ready, play through "Heart" about twenty billion times with a few other songs interjected in the middle, and then go out to dinner. I just don't want those damn Yankees to win! :)
If I am defined only by my actions, I suppose I am some sort of public-school-controlled drone right now.

--Reason #387 that the unit on existentialism should not be scheduled for the second semester of senior year
I'm at school. And they really shouldn't do the existentialism unit in English senior year. It doesn't work too well for curing senioritis. How do you convince yourself to get out of bed in the morning and do your busywork homework when your English teacher is telling you that your life is one long dreary routine and eventually you're going to die, having made nothing of yourself?
good french horn = orgasmic.

i'm learning how to play orgasmically. back in a bit.

My computer keeps popping up a message about being stuck in an "infinite loop" and then shutting down/crashing.

This past time, all I could think was, "Me too, buddy."

Off being stuck in a rut, trying (and failing) to be productive.

Call me.

WARNING: Choking hazard. Jenne is not a toy. Keep away from children and infants.
Sleep is better than: a good book, a warm shower, sex, nice weather, comfy clothes, comfy lack of clothes, most good news, laughing, and pretty much anything else other than maybe a good hug. Sleep while in a good hug... now THAT is bliss. I'm glad to have the sleep part at the moment, though.
sleeping. alone. what a pity. and just to get up in the morning for another long day....
I exist. It just happens to be a very sleepy existence right now.
Yes, I'm pathetic and want to remember my away messages. Thbbbt. I'll start with old favorites.


sleeeeep... then schoooooool....


My name's Jennnn, but you can call me "asleep." Or you can call me on the telephone at (my number). I don't mind waking up for you if I like you well enough to give you my screenname. :)




I'm doing applications/homework, but I like to call it "bullshit."


If there were a microphone hooked up to my computer, you could hear me sneezing on a regular basis of once every seven seconds, punctuated with various moans and other unhappy noises. But since there's no microphone, you'll just have to imagine it. In the meantime, I'm off to sneeze in a different direction so as not to ruin my computer.

Please, somebody kill me now. My winter-long cold has begun.


Letting the dog in. (Please, please, no references to Dr. Patillo.)




Happy Friday, everyone :)


schoolishness and then goodness knows what else


On my honor, I will try

To serve (God) and my country

To help people at all times

And to live by the Girl Scout Law.


(for hellweek) Sleep, then school, then rehearsal. Home after eight tomorrow. Leave me happy messages.


I'm a party animal.


Off being productive and responsible. Don't worry, I'll be back to waste more time soon enough.


Committing random acts of hygiene.


do i dare, don't i dare

do i dare to say it?

la la la

tell me that i may

or la la la

i'll say it anyway...



Sleepsleepsleep. I love it.


The nerve of me, using the toilet at a time like this.